145 Canadian Electric Utilities - Repost

This is a repost of of Benoit Marcoux's article, you can find the original article here.

There are 145 electric utilities in Canada, including distribution companies and omitting energy retailers, transmitters, and generators without a distribution operation. The number of customers is usually public information, but for some, such as Alberta coops and some utilities in the territories, this information is not available. It is worth noting that 58% of Canadian utilities are municipally owned, and an additional 24% are coops.

By customer count, 57% of Canadian customers are served by a provincial or territorial utility.

As the customer count is not available for many co-ops, this chart underestimates this category.

Ontario has the highest number of utility companies operating in the province, followed by Alberta, British Columbia, and Québec.

Manitoba and Prince Edward Island are the only two provinces with a single utility company.

The biggest Canadian utility is Hydro-Québec, serving over 4.3 million customers. BC Hydro and Hydro One follow closely. Alectra is the largest municipal utility. The Fortis companies, when considered together, would have over 1 million customers in British Columbia, Alberta, Ontario, Prince Edward Island, Newfoundland, and Labrador, but they mainly operate independently. The top 20 companies serve 90% of the Canadian customers. The 20th company, Kitchener-Wilmot Hydro, has almost 100,000 customers.