How to catch a phish


Phishing (pronounce as fishing): deceiving an internet user to give out his or her personal or financial information over a website or official looking email that usually ends up in identity theft or false credit card charges. Sounds serious? It is! The team at ESET and Today put together a small test to see how good you are at catching these malevolent electronic pests. Let's go phishing!

Here are some tips on how to catch a phish:

1. Threats: Account suspension, additional charges, Bigfoot coming to steal your Christmas decorations. Would you send threats to your customers? Didn't think so.

2. Attachments: Particularly compressed .zip files. Especially attachments with double extensions (extensions define the species of the file they follow the file name after a period ie: mypoem.docx). Seeing myinvoice.pdf.exe, or freecoupon.doc.pak is very very bad. Very bad. Do not open.

3. Strange links: Hovering your mouse over a link in an email shows you what web address the link will take you to. The text may say but if the link points to you know you're in for a nasty surprise.

4. Bad grammar: Or typos. Sentences starting with small caps, 'teh' instead of 'the', 'there' instead of 'their' proposes that scammers might do this intentionally to weed out smart people.