Shakespeare SafeFence™
/Recent global unrest and new types of threats are reshaping the priority of addressing the security of the electrical grid. Substation assets can be well over 50 years old, and many are situated in major urban, "greenfield" and open areas posing unique challenges to secure every asset. In addition to security, communities are seeking to re-energize the vitality of their surroundings by altering the appearance and diminishing the sound nuisance of substations. The innovation to "protect with appeal" is quickly gaining traction as utilities, economic development, land developers and architects are working alongside to make substations become one with the environment.
The SafeFence™ substation perimeter system is a non-conductive, composite fence that provides safety and security. The fiberglass wall deters would-be vandals and wildlife, while keeping substation equipment from view. Well suited for urban, suburban and rural substation locations, SafeFence™ barriers are lightweight and versatile, and can easily be installed and field-modified for challenging terrain or changes in the substation perimeter. Offered by Valmont® Utility, SafeFence™ is designed and manufactured by Valmont Composite Structures.
“SafeFence™ is designed for long-term outdoor durability, vandal resistance, and ease of installation.”
Shakespeare SafeFence™ provides various product benefits, including:
Safe, non-conductive fiberglass posts and planks
Attractive design, available in a range of UV-resistant colors
Can be modified and cut in the field
Effective noise barrier, which may be filled with recycled crumb rubber for additional effectiveness against noise upon request
Supports and panels will not rust
Low maintenance over life of product
When comparing the material of the SafeFence with other fencing material, such as concrete, wood and metal, the SafeFence is superior with its ease of installation, UV weathering protection and longer service life, especially in areas where de-icing road treatments are used for snow and ice.
In 2021, the SafeFence™️ was successfully installed in a semi-gloss finish in Downtown Toronto on Lombard St. The fence was installed as a barrier between the TTC (Toronto Transit Commission) and neighboring condo, as shown below. In addition to the noise barrier and safety features, it provided exceptional aesthetic architectural blending. The client contractor was extremely happy with the product and is now interested in becoming a partner/installer of the SafeFence™️.
The SafeFence is an attractive, durable composite utility wall, ideal for substations, transformer yards, and other utility-asset properties. For more information, please contact Composite Power Group Inc.