Ritz Instrument Transformers
/Product range
- 600V Instrument Transformers
- 5kV – 72kV Instrument Transformers
- SIS Bus Systems
- Cast-Coil Transformers
We represent only premium quality vendors with innovative, high value added and reliable products. Our goal is to be a one stop shop for all our customers' needs in the electrical industry. We are continually expanding our vendor information, check back regularly to see what new items we have available for you!
Our Eastern Canada branch includes QC, NL, PE, NS and NB. Our Western Canada branch includes BC, AB, SK, MB, YU, NW, NU.
3 Phase Power Transformers
Ratings up to 10 MVA
Maximum voltage of 138 kV
Grounding Transformers
Zig-Zag configuration
Wye-Delta configuration
Condition Monitoring Hardware
Condition Monitoring Software
Condition Monitoring Services
Internal Fault Detector for Pole-Mounted Distribution Transformers
Internal Fault Detector for Pad-Mounted Distribution Transformers
Hight Quality Power Magnetic Products
Dry Type Transformers
Control Transformers
Cast Coil Transformers
Composite Power Group Inc. is an electrical equipment manufacturers’ representative firm that provides technical, hands-on, local sales representation for industry leading companies that supply products and services to the electric power industry.
We have regional offices in Ontario, Eastern and Western Canada. Please call the number that corresponds to your location to get the best service!
Ontario - (519) 942-8485
Eastern Canada - (514) 726-6596
Western Canada - (403) 613 1127
Mailing Address
Composite Power Group
265 Bridge St Fergus, ON N1M 1T7 Canada